Russian supporting partners

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
The Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation is a non-governmental, non-profit organization uniting its members to meet the goals and tasks defined by the Russian Federation Law “About trading-industrial chambers in the Russian Federation” and the Charter of the Chamber. It represents the interests of small, medium and large businesses, covering all business sectors — industry, domestic and foreign trade, agriculture, financial system services. The Chamber of Commerce also contributes to the development of the Russian economy, its integration into the world economy, and the creation of favourable business development conditions. Read more:

The Russian Union of refrigeration industry enterprises (Rossoyuzholodprom) was established in 2003. The main goals of the Union are to solve common industry problems, coordinate, represent and protect the interests of Union members, participate in the development and implementation of federal and target programs for the advancement of refrigeration industry enterprises, participate in the development of technical policy in the field of artificial cold generation and refrigeration systems safety.

National association of members performing engineering surveys and design documentation
The National Association of Members Performing Engineering Surveys and Design Documentation is a Russian non-governmental non-profit organization that unites project self-regulatory organizations in order to protect the professional interests of SROs and their members, and to ensure that the interests of SROs and their members are represented in state and local government bodies. Read more

National association of self-regulatory organizations in the sphere of energy inspection
The non-profit partnership “National association of self-regulatory organizations in the sphere of energy inspection” (NP NAE) — unites self-regulating organizations in the field of energy inspection on the basis of voluntary membership. Read more:

National Association of Builders
The national Association of builders is a non-governmental non-profit organization that unites self-regulating organizations in the construction field. Read more:

Non-commercial partnership “AVOK NORTH-WEST”
The non-profit partnership AVOC NORTH-WEST – a branch of the Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics – unites more than 200 companies and specialists in gas, heat, cold, energy, water supply and sanitation, construction thermal physics, system automation and environmental protection. Read more:
International supporting partners

Supported by EUROVENT
EUROVENT is a European Association founded in 1958, representing more than 1000 companies working in the field of climate, industrial cold and food industry refrigeration tech, from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. These companies employ almost 150000 people and have a total annual turnover of more than €25 billion. Therefore, EUROVENT has the full right to act on behalf of the entire European segment of HVAC&R, taking part in the development of EU regulations related to climate technology.

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Manufacturer’s Association ISKID
The ISKID Association was founded in 1992 with the support of leading firms and individual entrepreneurs in the air conditioning and refrigeration sector in order to accelerate its development.
Today, ISKID, in cooperation with refrigeration equipment and air conditioning manufacturers, as well as authorized international manufacturers’ representatives in Turkey, is aimed at developing the air conditioning equipment production sector and taking a leading position among international competitors.

Turkish HVAC&R Exporters Association (ISIB) is the only and coordinator exporter association in Turkish HVAC&R sector. Established in 2012, ISIB works towards bringing together all the exporter companies active in the Turkish HVAC&R sector under one roof and increasing the export potential of the sector.
In addition to the general tasks including but not limited to organizing national participation in fairs in markets with export potential, participating in sectoral fairs abroad, organization of sectoral trade delegations and purchasing delegations, organization of a design contest for HVAC&R sector, providing foreign trade trainings for companies, , ISIB also supports the efforts of other individuals and organizations to increase the popularity of Turkish export products in world markets.

KRAIA (Korea Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Industry Association) supports and enhances the activities of Korean manufacturers through a wide variety of programs, publications, seminars and exhibitions, to put ist member companies in the vanguard of industrial development. KRAIA holds very close ties to many international organizations and exchanges information on a regular basis.
Sponsorship package
- Internet advertising
- Media advertising
- Outdoor advertising in the Central Exhibition Complex “Expocenter”
- Audio advertising in the exhibition
- Invitation cards to the exhibition
- Official Online catalogue of the exhibition
- Official guide of the exhibition
- Opening of the exhibition
- Other types of advertising
- Internet advertising
- Media advertising
- Outdoor advertising in the Central Exhibition Complex “Expocenter”
- Audio advertising in the exhibition
- Invitation cards to the exhibition
- Official Online catalogue of the exhibition
- Official guide of the exhibition
- Opening of the exhibition
- Other types of advertising